Vitamins and minerals are big business and many of us swallow a handful of tablets daily in the hope of maximum absorption and health benefits. Quite often we actually know little about the daily recommended dosage, accurate absorption rates, quality and even which vitamins and minerals are better for us as individuals. Then Of Course, there are others, who never take any supplements, in the hope that they either will digest and absorb all that they need from the foods that they eat or are not really too bothered.

You can pick a range of supplements from most shelves in most supermarkets and chemists, a range of strengths, prices and brands.

Why should you get an intramuscular vitamin shot?

The main reason for IM (Intra Muscular) shots is the absorption level. Having the shot directly in to the muscle allows the liquid vitamin to enter the blood stream quickly, bypassing the digestive system and the gastric acids and many other obstacles anything which is taken via the mouth has to go through to reach the small intestine, for re absorption.

The average absorption rate of a oral supplement is only 45 % compared with 90% via an IM shot.

What does Vitamin B12 do within the body?

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble nutrient that helps keep the body’s nerve and blood cells healthy and create DNA, it is the genetic material in all cells. B12 helps with red blood cell formation and anaemia prevention. Vitamin B12 plays a vital role in helping your body produce red blood cells. The metabolism of every cell in the body depends on Vitamin B12, as it plays a part in the synthesis of fatty acids and energy production.

B12 is used to initially treat B12 deficiency and anaemia. It is also shown to have positive impacts on a vast range of problems including fatigue and migraines. it improves your metabolism (therefore helping to aid weight loss), promotes healthy skin, hair, nails and boosts your immune system.

Who is most commonly deficient in B12?

On average one in ten people are believed to be deficient in Vitamin B12, that is an astonishing six million suffering from the consequences of having less than the optimum amount of B12 in their system. Vegetarians and vegans are found to be most common to suffer from B12 deficiency due to a lack of animal products in their diets. However, with the current environments we live in and the poor quality and mass production of food, especially animal products at the moment, everyone is at risk of having below sufficient levels of Vitmain B12.

Typically, you can start to feel the positive effects of the IM shot, between 24 - 72 hours post injection, dependent of current levels of B12 in the body.

We recommend that you dose up if your symptoms are extreme which would indicate a severe deficiency. treatment should take place every 7 days for 3 weeks, then a monthly follow up shot for at least 3 months, then a follow up shot in 3 months’ time, dependant on exact level of symptoms.


B12 can be found in a variety of food sources. You can access Vitamin B12 in animal foods, which

contain it naturally or from items that have been fortified with it.

Animal sources include dairy products, eggs, fish, poultry, beef Liver Chicken Fish and shellfish such as trout, salmon, tuna fish and clams Fortified breakfast cereal Low-fat milk Yogurt Cheese Eggs

If you are looking for a food fortified with B12, check the product's Nutrition Facts label. Examples include Marmite and Nutritional Yeast.

Can everyone have an IM shot of B12?

There are a few contraindications to having the IM Vitamin B12 injections in the clinic. We are not treating your medical conditions; we are assisting in your wellness journey. Boosting your immune system and topping up your levels of B12 to prevent anaemia.

The contraindications are due to health concerns. if you are under sever medical supervision then we recommend that you seek professional advice from your Dr first for your own individual needs.

If you are currently suffering with any infections, are taking antibiotics or have current cold and flu symptoms, then having the Vitamin B12 shot at that time is contraindicated. Please wait until you have fully recovered before making your appointment.

Please take note of the list of contraindications before booking your vitamin injection.

Can I go to the gym after B12 IM shot?

Please avoid exercise, caffeine and alcohol for 24 hours after each IM Vitamin B12 shot.

Your arm may be achy after the injection and therefore we ask you to avoid exercise and touching the injection site for 24 hours to avoid further discomfort.

Alcohol can affect the absorption levels of B12 and therefore should be avoided for at least 24 hours for best results. It can also thin the blood, which can result in bruising and therefore is prohibited before any shot.

There are no interactions found between B12 and caffeine, however as it can raise blood pressure, we often don’t recommend the consumption after your shot.

So now you know the importance of having a high level of vitamin B12. For any other information or to book your appointment for your IM Vitamin B12 shot, you can message us here or leave a comment.

Vitamin shots available in East Finchley and Marylebone locations.


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