Chinese Herbal Medicine

“Chinese herbs are a powerful way to boost health and immunity,

whilst maintaining balance between the systems.

They work synergistically with Acupuncture”

What can Chinese Herbal Medicine treat?

Chinese Herbs can treat any acute and chronic issues.

Some of the common reasons to seek herbal medicine include, menstrual irregularities, anxiety & insomnia, fatigue & weight gain

Just like an Acupuncture appointment, you don’t need a western diagnosis as we will take a detailed medical history, plus observations, which dictates your patterns of disease using Chinese Medicine Theory. We can then prepare your individual herbal prescription.

Are Chinese Herbs vegetarian & vegan?

Yes. No animal products or minerals are used in the UK. All herbal medicines are plant based.

What are the side effects of Chinese Herbal Medicine?

There shouldn’t be any adverse side effects from your herbal medicine. However, if you don’t feel well after taking them then simply get in touch with your practitioner, who may tweak your prescription for you. Your body is a complex machine and individual changes to dosage can easily be applied for you.

Dependant on the severity of your conditions. Your herbal Medicine may need to move or drain stagnation from the body, which can result in a change of your bowel movements, urination or menstrual cycle. This is perfectly normal effect.

When should I not take my Chinse Herbal Medicine?

It is important to stop taking your herbal Medicine if you develop a cold & flu, feel unwell or when prescribed antibiotics. Sometimes your practitioner may ask you not to take your Medicine whilst menstruating.

How does Chinese Medicine work?

The Materia Medica lists herbs and formula via their categories. Each individual herb has their own properties, temperature and flavour, which allow them to possess different healing abilities, travel in different directions and influence different organs and parts of the body. Formulas are tried and tested combinations of herbs which complement each other and allow for a variety of actions to happen inside the body simultaneously. This is much more advanced, safe and effective way to heal the body, when compared with taking one single herb at a time.

Your herbs will be individual to you, so depending on your exact concerns the treatment principle will differ. However, to give an example. If you are experiencing fever, inflammation, heat, constipation and irritability, then your formula will be focusing on clearing heat and protecting fluids. You could expect to have a cooling affect from the herbs which will decrease the symptoms.

How do I prepare Herbal Medicine?

Chinese Herbal Medicine decoctions are taken as a tea, twice a day, warm. each bag of herbs contains 2 days’ worth of medicine. Each bag must be simmered with 1 pint of water, twice, to collect roughly 2 pints of medicine, which provides 4 cups of medicine tea to be drunk twice a day, morning and afternoon, on an empty stomach when possible.

Chinese Herbal Medicine should be taken twice daily for a minimum of 3 months for best results.

Please see the video via the link to assist you in making your herbal medicine at home.

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