Brighten your Eyes with Chinese Herbal Medicine.

Ju Hua (Crysthanthemum Flower) and Gu Qi Zi (Goji Berry)

Two Chinese herbs that most people will recognise. You may not realise the therapeutic properties that these herbs contain, but that is the beauty of all foods.

Food is medicine. Everything that you eat and drink has a positive or negative effect depending on your constitution and your health at that time.

I speak to a lot of people who eat way too much cold, raw foods in winter as a way to lose weight, but Instead they end up feeling fatigued and bloated with endless coughs and chills. I also see many people who take in too much overly spiced foods which can lead to an excess of heat inside the body, resulting in acid reflux, constipation and insomnia.

Foods aren't just here to satisfy our hunger, they can be used to heal and prevent illness.

This combination (Dui Yao) of cooling flower and sweet blood nourishing fruit are used together to benefit the eyes. Clearing liver heat and moistening liver yin to treat:

1) blurred vision, diminished visual acuity, fire sparks in the eyes, photophobia, dry eyes with distention, headaches and dry cough.

2) pain in the lower back and knees due to LV/KD deficiency.


Gou Qi Zi- better known in the UK as goji berries, contains linoleic acid, sodium, calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc and iron.

A blood tonic which has positive effects on the liver, kidney and lung yin energy with their sweet taste and neutral thermal nature, Gou Qi Zi are Perfect to nourish the Yin, and have a Slight Yang tonic action. They have the ability to moisten without creating stagnation to successfully nourish yin and fluids

Ju Hua, or Chrysanthemum Flowers are cool in temperature and acrid flavoured, they release heat pathogens out to the exterior.

1) Disperses wind-heat;

2) Clears the Liver and brightens the eyes;

3) Subdues the Liver and subdues wind;

4) Drains heat toxins;

Used for the following Indications:

Exterior wind heat, fever, headache, red, painful, teary or dry eyes, headache, dizziness, deafness, hypertension, boils and toxic swellings;

If you suffer from a deficiency of yin and blood, then you may have dizziness, blurry vision, pm urination, infertility, sore weak lower back and knees, premature aging, greying hair, pm sweats, thirst, anxiety, dream disturbed sleep and skin, hair and eyes dryness.

Goji should be limited when suffering from diarrhoea, digestive deficiency, a cold or flu or pregnant due to its uterine contracting ability.

If you would like personalised Chinese Nutritional Advice without Acupuncture or Herbal Medicine this is available in a relaxed consultation £160


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